One of the biggest waste potential aspects of construction is hanging drywall.  We at Bronze Construction are committed to lowering that waste by reducing the amount of drywall needed, reusing larger drywall pieces that would be waste on other locations, and recycling whenever possible.

Reducing, reusing, and recycling drywall provides the following benifits:

  • Creating business opportunities
  • Saving money for builders, contractors, and home renovators
  • Helping local governments meet their goal of reducing disposal by 50 percent

When drywall waste is disposed in landfills, hydrogen sulfide gas may be produced, particularly in a wet climate. Several conditions are required, including a moist, anaerobic environment and a low pH. Hydrogen sulfide gas is toxic at high concentrations (~1,000 parts per million) and has a foul, rotten-egg odor. Several communities  do not accept drywall at landfills for this reason.

Our practices include the following:

Reduce – We are more diligent in our estimations to be more accurate in how we hang our drywall. Being more accurate reduces excess material needed, which leads to a more cost effective project.

Reuse – One of the main waste contributors has been cutting a sheet of drywall and throwing away the unused portion. We sort our drywall during and after construction for material that would be usable rather than wasting.

Recycle – Recycling is a major effort in drywall. Unused scrap can be effectively and safely processed to have a future life as additions to soils and can be recycled into new drywall.